PENSOLE World Sneaker Championship Diaries: Day 7

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Roster: Zia Ahmad, Clifford Charles, Andrew Parks and Lindsey Johnson (CMF)

D day!!! Design director D’wayne Edwards (say that five times fast) comes around the room giving his input and feedback on your designs.

This is my second time taking the Pensole class, and I’m not gonna lie to you: either I’m getting better at design, or D’wayne is taking it easy on me! (I’m going to tell myself its the latter of the two.)

He was into my story, shoe shape and performance, but recommended taking G Shock’s “impact protection” story and apply it to the shoe.

That gives me three performance elements
1.) Make-shift hip flexor exercises
2.) G Shock inspired electronic feedback sensor
3.) Alpha gel (the cushioning used as a shock absorber within the internal components of a G Shock watch) re-inspired as a shock management system for the shoe

You know what’s really interesting though? The fact that you can sit with the homies in your immediate vicinity and get their feedback day in and day out, but it’s not until you really open your design up to a cross section of people that you really get some good feedback.

There were some glaring things that I had neglected to consider in my project that random people were able to point out.

not seeing the forest from the trees type of scenario…or is it not seeing the trees from the forest

Either way, getting feedback from friends (and enemies) is a really helpful way to create a well-rounded and well thought out project. There’s no way one person can think through every detail.

In fact, if any of y’all ever have any feedback (constructive or destructive) feel free to holler at me, Andrew or Clifford!

catch you tomorrow


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