PENSOLE World Sneaker Championship Diaries: Day 13

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Roster: Danny Chambers, Ruben Eriksson, Marcus Thomas and Thalia Meraz (CMF)

The guys are narrowing down in order to pick their final design and my team and I have met with Suzette to start talking materials for the designs. We seem to be on the same page with everything and personally I can’t wait to see the final product but patience is a virtue! My time at Pensole as CMF has been sort of like a rollercoaster. Some days I feel confident in myself and the direction I am taking, while other days, I feel stressed out. I know that this is all a natural way of feeling in a creative process so I try not to take it too much to heart. As of today I am feeling fine about everything and I think my team and I have a strong foundation because we communicate so well. I enjoy meeting with my designers and seeing how far they’ve come. I can say that I have taken so much from this experience so far and I look forward to the days left to soak up as much as possible before our time ends. Lots to do so until next time!

Ruben and his wall, his progress has been remarkable in my opinion Marcus sketching away Taking a selfie break after a cherry ice pop

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