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Like so many creatives and artists, dreams of owning a brand becomes a fundamental part of their identity. They conceptualize ideas day in and day out with the hopes of creating something everlasting. And in such a competitive market, these notions are often times just that, a notion. But not for Tex Moton, a Dallas native whose ideas and creativeness have transcended the mind into fruition with his brand, YUMS.

Growing up in Pleasant Grove, Dallas alongside his mother and brother, Moton’s upbringing was not a comfortable one. As many success stories goes, it was the lack of opportunities that propelled the artist to create his own. His infatuation for art allowed him to find an identity and style that would subsequently shape his future.

While in High School, Tex Moton would continue his artistic endeavor through graffiti and led to the co-creation of Infinite Crew, an artist collective whose work and creativity became a staple of Dallas’ art scene for decades–and continues doing so. Alongside his co-creator, the two joined forces and formed YUMS (You Understand My Style?). A unique brand whose inspiration is not typical but remains vibrant and fresh.

As with any brand, there is a creative mind behind it all and YUMS finds its voice with Tex Moton. When we spoke to Moton, he had the pleasure to walk us through his process, the direction of his work and the direction of his brand. Their collective work and creativeness has allowed the brand to work closely with a multitude of partnership, “We specialize in making every project we take on cool! The way I approach product design has opened the door for me to work with the NBA, MLB, and NHL. My City Edition project with the Dallas Mavericks was a complete take over“.

His graffiti-inspired style has also provided him with a one-of-a-kind perspective that’s visible throughout his collaborations. “I designed their [Dallas Mavericks] first graffiti-inspired jersey, but was crazy it how much it went beyond just that” and very frequently art does that, it creates and everlasting effect outside of what’s presented. In addition to the jersey collaboration, the collective also had the opportunity to design and create fan engaging pieces.

While Moton’s creativity has been prevalent throughout different areas, no other has been as impactful as the YUMS brand. “From our concepts to the packaging, to the opening the box, the YUMS experience is like none other,” he explains, its vibrant and eye-catching pieces are some that aren’t very common within the industry. This has allowed their brand to sustain relevancy in a market that dwindles self-starters.

YUMS has been able to relaunch successfully thanks to the creative designs of Tex Moton and his approach to each product, “My process for designing a new flavor for YUMS starts with my constant mental search for the next snack I want to eat!“. While it seems unorthodox, this process has been very fruitful–pun intended–as the designs provide vibrant and colorful schemes. The thought process is not random, Moton explains, “I break down the elements of that snack and reimagine them as sneaker components (ie. textures, textiles, materials, and colors), and then I simply put the puzzle back together in true YUMS fashion!“.

When asked about his future plans both individually and collectively with his brand, his answer was not as expected but refreshing to see. “I see myself continuing to do my little part to make our world a fun place to live! We want the create products that bring people happiness, that transport you to that time in your life that just one snack, or one little treat could turn your whole day around! We want YUMS to do that for people from the moment they open their box! That’s my plan.

Continue scrolling below for an in-depth look at the official models and while you’re at it, be sure to check out their products via their website. It was a pleasure to interview Tex Moton, a final question was given to wrap things up, what do you want our readers to take away from this; “The question I want to ask our readers today is simply, now do You Understand My Style?

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