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After numerous doping allegations and now seemingly insurmountable evidence, Nike has decided to break ties with Lance Armstrong. Nike released the following statement:

“Due to the seemingly insurmountable evidence that Lance Armstrong participated in doping and misled Nike for more than a decade, it is with great sadness that we have terminated our contract with him. Nike does not condone the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs in any manner.”

Nike also addressed the continuation of the LIVESTRONG brand:

“Nike plans to continue support of the Livestrong initiatives created to unite, inspire and empower people affected by cancer.”

CNN has also reported that Armstrong has stepped down as chairman of LIVESTRONG, with Armstrong stating that this move is an effort to “spare the foundation any negative effects as a result of controversy surrounding my cycling career.” Armstrong’s full statement on what LIVESTRONG means to him and his stepping down can be read here.

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